Redefining Digital Media Valuation

Unparalleled Market Transparency

Access industry-first CPM data, integrating detailed insights from publishers and ad formats for clear digital pricing.

Strategic Pricing Intelligence

Equip your strategy with comprehensive pricing data, from video to audio ads, ensuring optimal yield and inventory management.

Data-Driven Decision Making

Leverage the latest trends and historical insights for competitive pricing analysis and new business development.


Pricing Unlocks

Your Market Potential

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Comprehensive CPM Insights

Gain a competitive edge with real-time updates on year-over-year and quarter-over-quarter pricing trends, by publisher and ad format for the US and CAN markets.

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Digital Market Clarity

Dive into the digital realm with clarity, analyzing data from over 400 publishers and various digital media subtypes, ensuring informed pricing strategies.

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Linear eCPM Innovation

Navigate national linear TV network pricing with precision, benchmarking upfront and scatter inventory across networks and genres for greater revenue potential.

Maximizing Your Pricing Strategy

Strategic Planning and Forecasting

Empower your planning and forecasting with detailed insights, helping you navigate market trends and optimize media spend.

Competitive Market Analysis

Conduct comprehensive market analysis using reports like the NFL and Floodlight reports for competitive advantage and strategic positioning.

Effective Inventory and Yield Management

Apple Pricing for insightful inventory management and yield optimization, enhancing RFP close rates, and planning for new ad products.

Getting started
with Guideline

Transform your digital pricing approach with Guideline's Pricing tool. Step into a world of accurate, real-time data for smarter, more impactful media buying.

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