Optimize Pitches with Media Data

Mid-Size agency sees 40% lift in RFP win rate.

6 new clients
in revenue

The Challenge

A well-known mid-size media agency with Fortune 500 clients, started losing RFPs.

Feedback from prospects was they lacked accurate category benchmarks, presented fallacious recommendations on the brand and category media investment strategies, and pledged high media rates.

The agency needed to shift and tighten up its RFP proposals with economic uncertainty looming.

The Solution

The agency leveraged Guideline's data

(powered by Standard Media lndex) inclusive of 95% of national advertiser's actual investments to:

  • Understand media volume, trends, and mixes by product category, ad type, vender, and more.
  • Build tailored proposals full of innovative ad tactics to specific verticals
  • Offer competitive media cost guarantees and savings
  • The agency leveraged Guideline's data
  • (powered by Standard Media lndex) inclusive of 95% of national advertiser's actual investments to:

The Result

With Guideline's data, tools, and support  (powered by SMI and SQAD), the agency boosted its RFP win rates by +40% in 12 months.

This boost in win rate resulted in six new clients and increased revenue for the agency via client commissions and fees.

Join the future
 with Guideline

We are the world's most trusted authority far accurate media data and collaborative planning tooIs to guide your advertising decisions.

With the 2022 acquisitions of Standard Media lndex and SOAD, the company offers a single source of truth for advertising spend and pricing data that provides unprecedented accuracy and transparency across the media industry as well as a powerful centralized media planning platfarm that delivers collaboration, efficiency and analysis across multiple global media teams and agencies in one interface. Learn more at Guideline.ai.

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with Guideline

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