Evaluate CTV Opportunities

Understand how you compare to the industry and increase revenue growth.

increase in Q4 revenue

The Challenge

In Q3, a well-known media owner was excited to see their CTV revenue growth increase to 28% of their total Video revenue. Without visibility into the industry as a whole, they decided to continue on their current path.

What the media owner didn't know was that their current path was well below the industry average, and therefore they were missing out on almost double-digit revenue growth.

The Solution

The media leveraged Guideline’s unique market insights (powered by Standard Media Index) to gain accurate detail on which product categories were driving CTV growth, and valuable intel on the prices being paid by category for this form of advertising inventory.

With this detail the media owner had the tools to lift its share to 35%, which had become the benchmark for the broader industry. Without Guideline, they had no idea their CTV share was below the industry level, nor the the tools to find a solution.

The Result

With Guideline's data, tools, and support, the media owner realigned their sales focus and invested in driving their CTV inventory.

Armed with Guideline data, the following quarter the media owner increased its growth rate to be on par with the industry, increasing its quarterly revenue by $3MM.

Join the future
 with Guideline

We are the world's most trusted authority far accurate media data and collaborative planning tooIs to guide your advertising decisions.

With the 2022 acquisitions of Standard Media lndex and SOAD, the company offers a single source of truth for advertising spend and pricing data that provides unprecedented accuracy and transparency across the media industry as well as a powerful centralized media planning platfarm that delivers collaboration, efficiency and analysis across multiple global media teams and agencies in one interface. Learn more at Guideline.ai.

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